Breathing Room: How Outdoor Office Spaces Fuel Wellbeing and Productivity

May 10, 2024


Transform Your Workday: Embrace the Outdoors to Enhance Wellbeing and Productivity

The Science Behind Outdoor Office Spaces

Recent studies have shown that integrating nature into our daily workstation not only boosts our mental health but also increases workplace productivity. The presence of natural light, fresh air, and green spaces can significantly reduce stress, enhance creativity, and promote overall employee wellbeing. Exposure to vitamin D from natural sunlight has been proven to lessen the risk of seasonal mood disorders, which are prevalent in countries with limited winter sunlight, such as Scotland.

In addition to mental health benefits, there is compelling evidence linking outdoor spaces with increased cognitive function. Being in a natural environment, or even viewing scenes of nature, can enhance concentration and attention span. It is suggested that detoxifying our work environment from the common indoor pollutants by stepping outdoors can lead to clearer and more creative thinking.

Furthermore, the sound of nature, such as bird chirping or the rustle of leaves, has shown to augment concentration skills and potentially increase job satisfaction. This sensory stimulation differs significantly from the often distracting noises found in typical indoor workplaces, such as ringing phones or office chatter.

Case Studies: Companies Transforming their Workspace

  • Many leading tech companies in Edinburgh have redesigned their office campuses to include terraced gardens and walking tracks to encourage walking meetings and outdoor brainstorming sessions.
  • In Glasgow, a number of start-ups have adopted the concept of 'green rooms’ where employees can enjoy their breaks surrounded by plants and sunlight.
  • Small businesses in Aberdeen are installing movable glass walls that can be opened up during good weather, effectively turning a regular indoor space into an airy, open environment.

These practical implementations not only show a commitment to employee wellbeing but also act as a driving force in attracting top talent who value a healthy work-life balance. Companies have noticed a drop in employee turnover and an increase in applicant numbers post the integration of outdoor elements into their workplaces.

The trend towards outdoor offices also suggests a shift in company values, emphasizing sustainable practices and respect for the environment. By investing in these spaces, businesses are not just enhancing employee satisfaction but are also contributing to larger environmental benefits.

How to Implement Outdoor Elements in Your Workplace

Adopting outdoor office spaces in Scotland can seem challenging especially given the unpredictable weather. However, with careful planning, even small outdoor areas can become productive spaces. Start with weather-resistant outdoor furniture and adequate shelter from the elements, such as canopies or retractable awnings.

Consider the following simple steps to integrate greenery into your workspace:

  • Portable planters that can be moved indoors during harsh weather.
  • Installing bird feeders to attract wildlife and create a more engaging environment.
  • Use of native plants to ensure durability and reduced maintenance efforts.

For businesses not having the luxury of physical space to create large outdoors areas, even small gestures like adjusting the workspace layout to provide more access and views to outside areas or setting aside budget for regular outdoor group activities can make a significant difference.

"In redesigning your workspace, incorporating elements of nature can significantly uplift the morale and health of your workplace, nurturing a happier, healthier, and more productive team."


Integrating outdoor elements into office design is more than just an aesthetic choice; it’s a strategic tool for enhancing wellbeing and productivity. While the initial investment might seem substantial, the long-term benefits of healthier, more engaged employees are invaluable. With the richness of Scotland's natural beauty, taking advantage of outdoor office spaces could be the key to transforming the work environment and fostering an innovative and sustainable business culture.

Further Reading and Resources